How Search Engine Google Detects Duplicate Copy Content

Google is clever than all of us.They are trying to improve on blogger and any web content.They always looking for copy content and they throw them into garbage.the result comes up for you as a ZERO.
How Search Engine Google Detects Dupliacate Copy ContentSome people might think about it how Google Detect duplicate content.It's pretty much interesting.Normally Google always looking for duplicate content that content based on four consecutive words then sees how much is duplicate/copy and then devalues this content. so if you have “My Name Is Google” it will go through all the sites looking for that phrase,whichever ones have it then it will see how much of your content is duplicate.
So as long as you change this at-least one out of every four words then they wont catch anything,get a list of synonyms and keep it nearby,you will be surprised to see that each word has about almost 10 different synonyms.So if you are looking for copy content then you must go with this tricks.My opinion.. lets know yours..leave your opinion..

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